Engineered Stone

Engineered Stone

Silicosis and Renal Failure in Kitchen Fabricators: A Deeper Look into Occupational Health Risks
The case of a 41-year-old kitchen fabricator experiencing severe health issues due to prolonged exposure to silica dust brings to light the often overlooked occupational hazards in the kitchen countertop manufacturing industry. This case, discussed by Lin Deng, MD, and Nico Conti, MD, in the...
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Understanding the Link Between Artificial Stone-Associated Silicosis and Cryptococcus Infection
In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in cases of artificial stone-associated silicosis, a severe respiratory condition that can progress rapidly and lead to fatal outcomes. This uptick is largely due to the growing popularity of artificial stone in industries such as construction...
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Understanding the Differences Between Artificial Stone-Induced Silicosis and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
In the realm of respiratory diseases, understanding the nuances between different conditions is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management. A significant contribution to this field comes from the study led by Elizabeth Fireman and colleagues, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and...
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Exploring the Emissions and Silica Content in Stone Grinding Dust
In the evolving world of occupational health, the study of airborne particles and their effects continues to be critical, especially in industries involving stone grinding. A notable contribution to this field is the research conducted by Drew Thompson and Chaolong Qi, documented in the Oxford...
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Vital Insights Into Occupational Health Risks in the Artificial Stone Industry
In a comprehensive study conducted by Krishna Surasi, MD, MPH, and colleagues from the Occupational Health Branch of the California Department of Public Health, significant concerns were raised about the health risks associated with respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposures among artificial stone fabrication workers in...
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Understanding Silicosis: The Stark Differences Between Marble Workers and Miners
Silicosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust, has long been associated with traditional mining occupations. However, a new wave of cases among workers handling artificial quartz conglomerates used in kitchen countertops is highlighting significant differences in the disease’s manifestation compared to the traditional...
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The Promise of Tetrandrine in Treating Artificial Stone-Associated Silicosis: Insights from a Retrospective Cohort Study
A groundbreaking study led by Wen-hong Wu and colleagues from Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University, has shed new light on the potential of tetrandrine (Tet) in treating silicosis associated with exposure to artificial stone dust. Published in Frontiers in Medicine, this retrospective cohort study analyzed...
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Silicosis in Workers Exposed to Artificial Quartz Conglomerates: A Study Analysis
Silicosis is a chronic lung disease caused by the inhalation of crystalline silica dust, traditionally associated with industries involving natural minerals like quartz, sandstone, and granite. The recent study published in Archivos de Bronconeumología explores the occurrence and diagnosis of silicosis among workers handling artificial...
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Silicosis: Emerging Trends and Strategies for Early Detection
In a detailed analysis published in the WMJ, Megan Elderbrook and her colleagues from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the California Department of Public Health outline the crucial developments and preventative strategies against silicosis, a progressive and often fatal lung disease caused by...
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Silicosis and Renal Failure: A Case Study of a Kitchen Fabricator
In a recent publication in the Proceedings of UCLA Health, Dr. Lin Deng and Dr. Nico Conti explore a compelling case of silicosis and renal failure in a 41-year-old male who worked as a kitchen fabricator. This case study provides valuable insights into the occupational...
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SSC Stone Silicosis Center

SSC Stone Silicosis Center N/a
Novato Office
222 Rush Landing Road
Novato, CA 94945
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