Lessons in Occupational Health: Addressing the Dangers of Artificial Stone Exposure
Engineered Stone
The distressing case of a 54-year-old former smoker diagnosed with complicated silicosis serves as a poignant reminder of the occupational hazards associated with artificial stone products. This case, diligently documented by Elie Matar, […]
Alarming Prevalence of Silicosis in Rajasthan’s Stone Carving and Mining Industry
Engineered Stone
In an insightful study led by Prahlad K Sishodiya, a consultant expert in silicosis from the Directorate of Specially Abled Persons, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of Rajasthan, significant concerns regarding […]
Why Are Artificial Stone Countertops Dangerous?
Engineered Stone
Artificial stone countertops, commonly known as quartz, engineered or synthetic stone, among other terms, have gained popularity in homes and businesses for their durability and aesthetic appeal. However, beneath their polished surface lies […]
The Danger of Misdiagnosing Silicosis
Engineered Stone
The menace of silicosis, particularly stemming from occupational exposure to artificial stone, poses a significant health risk that is often underappreciated and, more alarmingly, misdiagnosed. Artificial stone, widely used for countertops and other […]
Taking Legal Action: A Critical Step Towards Justice
Engineered Stone
For workers in the artificial stone industry diagnosed with silicosis, the ramifications extend far beyond the physical toll of this debilitating lung disease. The financial, emotional, and psychological impacts can be overwhelming, not […]
Seeking Justice: Deadline for Filing a Lawsuit due to Silica Dust Exposure
Engineered Stone
Understanding the statute of limitations is crucial for workers in the artificial stone industry who have developed silicosis, lung cancer, or other health issues due to silica dust exposure. The statute of limitations […]